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How to Love Your Mini Christmas Cactus
Allow my moisture levels to drop and dry out in between watering intervals, but never completely. Never let me sit in water.
Make sure the soil drains well and that my pot has drainage holes.
I will produce blooms more readily if exposed to brighter light. However, too much direct sunlight can burn my leaves.
Once I have ceased all my flowering
(usually by fall), make sure I receive
12-14 hours of darkness every day.
Place in
front of an
East-facing window for moderate light and some
direct sun.
I prefer temperatures between 60-70F (15-21 C°), and
average to high humidity levels.
From spring through early fall, feed me every 2 weeks with a complete plant fertilizer.
mini plants
baby plants
miniature plants
small indoor plants
mini african violets
Made with love.
This playlist is perfect
for me: I will grow healthier and happier!
I love music!
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