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How to Love Your Mini Fishbone Cactus
In the winter,
allow the top of my soil
to dry out slightly
before watering.
Keep the top of my soil moderately damp, particularly during spring and summer.
Choose a location where I get filtered light only.
A spot where I get full morning sun but shelter from high noon light is best for my growth.
In the summer you can keep me outdoors,
but choose a shady place.
Feed with a 10-10-10 ratio every 2 weeks. In February, use a 2-10-10 ratio. Stop when flowers blossom.
I like cool, humid environments.
I can tolerate temperatures
down to 50 °F
for short periods.
mini plants
baby plants
miniature plants
small indoor plants
mini african violets
Made with love.
This playlist is perfect
for me: I will grow healthier and happier!
I love music!
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