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Don't Mist Your Mini Crispy Wave's Leaves!

“To mist or not to mist,” that is the question! Did you know that your everyday humidity-boosting, leaf misting routine that’s keeping many of your houseplants thriving can spell disaster for your Crispy Wave fern? But… if you can’t mist them, how can you provide them with needed humidity?

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Humidity Craving Crispy Waves

It’s no secret (and no joke!) Crispy Wave ferns really love humidity. In fact, their optimal humidity level is anywhere from 60-90%.

In nature, these ferns only grow and thrive in steamy jungles. Why is humidity key? As epiphytes, Crispy Waves naturally grow on things (like trees and rocks) instead of in the soil. Since there’s no soil to keep the plant moisturized, the thick air does the trick. In nature, these ferns only grow and thrive in steamy jungles.!

As a houseplant, the challenge is probably clear: Your Crispy Wave is teleported to an air-conditioned (or heated) environment that’s struggling to maintain 10% humidity. Talk about a shocker!

Misting Misinformation

Okay, let’s be honest here: Misting is probably the cheapest way to give your plants a humidity boost. And, who hasn’t gotten a little “trigger happy” with the mister?

To make things more complicated, you’ve probably read conflicting advice online: Some plant influencers swear by misting their Crispy Wave’s leaves.

So, why are we swooping in telling you “Don’t Mist Your Crispy Wave’s Leaves”?

Listen “Mister:” The Truth about Misting

The most common threat is “leaf spot.” What is it? Basically, a water droplet sits on your leaf for an extended period of time, leaving you a rotted polkadot. If that doesn’t sound like the end of the world, may we remind you about how slowly your Crispy Wave Grows? You’ll be looking at that ugly leaf for quite some time!

There are other types of fungal and bacterial threats, including “Crown Rot.” This condition occurs when the rosette center of your fern retains too much moisture. The likely outcome? Your plantie’s demise. (Don’t say we didn’t warn you!)

Alternatives to Misting Your Crispy Wave’s Leaves

Meet Our Little Friend: The Humidifier

It might sound obvious, but yes… a humidifier is the most efficient way to boost your home’s humidity. But there are plenty of other perks:

They’re not that expensive. You can get a nice, filterless humidifier for $20 or 30 dollars.

They cover more ground. Even small humidifiers can cover 500-700 square feet. Think of all the plants you could fit in there!

They’re more consistent. In nature, your Crispy Wave is used to 24/7 humidity, not a haphazard leaf misting once a day (when you remember). The humidifier truly provides your plants with a uniformly humid environment.

They provide moisture to all your plants. Let the record show, there are plenty of plants you shouldn’t mist, like African Violets, Begonias, and Succulents. But they all need humidity! That’s where the handy dandy humidifier saves the day. Your whole “Plant Fam” will be more luxurious than ever.

Some Humidifier Reminders

While using a humidifier requires less fuss on a day-to-day basis, they do require regular cleaning. To make this simple and easy, select a filterless humidifier. (Plus, that will cut down on costs… you don’t have to buy filters!)

Many humidifiers double as an essential oil diffuser or have a diffusing pad. While this seems like an added bonus, if your humidifier’s purpose is mainly to benefit your plants, you might not want to utilize this feature. Why?

Highly concentrated amounts of some essential oils can damage your plants’ health, so do your research. Also, most essential oils have a recommended diffusing time for your health (for potent oils, it can be as little as 10-30 minutes a day). Not exactly ideal when you’re trying to humidify a jungle, right?

Changing Locations

The best part: This option is free! Just make sure your plant receives sufficient light! The bathroom and kitchen are the two most humid rooms in the house, so give your Crispy Wave a change of scenery.

Gather ‘Round!

Did you know that houseplants release 97% of the moisture they take in? They’re little humidity factories! For this reason, it’s a good idea to group plants together. They’ll benefit from the moisture each of them releases into the environment! (Plus, they’ll look pretty good too!)

The Pebble Tray

Humidity is essentially evaporated water. So, putting water around your plants is beneficial. This can be done in a few different ways:

The Bowl: It’s that easy… just fill a bowl with water and place it near your plant!

The Tray: (1) Fill a tray with pebbles. (2) Fill the tray halfway with water. (3) Place your plant on top of the pebbles.

Pebble Tray Reminders

You will need to keep your tray and pebbles clean. If not, algae and mold will pose a threat to your Crispy Wave. Looking to see if it’s worth the fuss? Try the “bowl” method out first! They both bring similar results (and you can just throw the bowl in the dishwasher).

You will also need to maintain the water level in the tray. Overfilling is the biggest problem. Water touching a pot with drainage holes will suck the moisture into the soil, overwatering your plant.

Adjusting Your Water Schedule

How can you tell if your humidity-boosting efforts have worked? Your plant’s soil should dry out less frequently. Why? The dry air was sucking the moisture out of your soil; your new moist air will help your soil retain its moisture for longer periods.

You probably guessed it: This means you need to switch up your routine. Remember to regularly monitor your soil’s moisture and only water your Crispy Wave when the topsoil is cool but crumbly.

Watering Reminders

Don’t forget, dry leaves = happy Crispy Wave! Instead of overhead watering, use a bottom watering or soil watering method!

In a nutshell: stop misting your Crispy Wave’s leaves! Why? Because of several health threats, like leaf and crown rot. Instead, go for some other options: like a humidifier or changing up your plant’s location.

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